Publications of Dr. B.M. Gandhi
- Arora, S.K. and Gandhi, B.M.: Phosphorus metabolism during the germination of Soyabean (Glycine max.). Agrochimica XIV (n. 5, 6): 408-414, 1970
- Arora, S.K. and Gandhi, B.M.: Phosphorus metabolism during ripening of Glycine max. (L) Merril. Biologico Plantarum (Praha) 12 (2): 139-143, 1970
- Gandhi, B.M. and Arora, S.K.: Nucleic acid changes during germination and growth of Glycine max. (L) Merr. Biologico Plantarum (Praha) 12 (8): 739-743, 1970
- Arora, S.K. and Gandhi, B.M.: Nitrogen mobilization during germination and growth of Soyabean (Glycine max.). Agrochimica XIV (n.5, 6): 415-425, 1970
- Gupta, M.C., Gandhi, B.M. and Tandon, B.N: An unconventional legume, Prosopis cineraria. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 27: 1035-36, 1974
- Gupta, M.C., Gandhi, B.M. and Tandon, B.N.: Studies of Prosopis cineraria, analysis of Pods, Journal of Research in Indian Medicine, Yoga and Homeopathy12: 3, 1977
- Bhargava, S., Bhargava, D.K., Verma, S., Kamath, P., Gandhi B.M. and Nundy, S.: An evaluation of four methods for assessing the potency of portal systemic shunts. In: Portal Hypertension in India. S. Nundy and B.N. Tandon (eds.) pp 107-9, 1978
- Verma, S., Gandhi, B.M. and Nundy, S.: The sucrose test in comparison with barium oesophagography as an index of shunt potency. In: Portal Hypertension in India. S. Nundy and B.N. Tandon (eds.) pp 111-2, 1978
- Kamath, P., Gandhi, B.M. and Nundy, S.: The ammonia tolerance test in comparison with Barium oesophagography in evaluation shunt potency. In: Portal Hypertension in India. S. Nundy and B.N. Tandon (eds.) pp 113-16, 1978
- Tandon, B.N., Krishnamurthy, L. and Gandhi, B.M.: HBeAg and anti-HBe in acute and chronic liver diseases. Indian Journal of Medical Research 70: 102-106, 1979
- Krishnamurthy, L., Gandhi, B.M. and Tandon, B.N.: HBsAg titre in patients with acute and chronic liver diseases and in a symptomatic carrier. Tropical Gastroenterology 1(2): 84-86, 1980
- Gandhi, B.M. and George, P.K.: Plasma lipoprotein composition in different types of hyperlipoprotenemia in north India. Journal of Association of Physicians of India 29 (11): 313-319, 1981
- Bijlani, R.L., Gandhi, B.M. and Tandon, B.N.: Examination stress and serum lipids. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 25 (5): 92, 1981
- Bijlani, R.L., Gandhi, B.M. and Tandon, B.N.: Serum lipid profile on north Indian and south Indian diets. Proceedings of the Indian Society of Gastroenterology pp 161, 1981
- Gandhi, B.M., Joshi, Y.K. and Tandon, B.N.: Prevalence of virus A exposure and viral hepatitis in India. Lancet II (8242): 374, 1981
- Gandhi, B.M., Joshi, Y.K., Bijlani, L. and Tandon, B.N.: Demonstration of non-A non-B antigen and antibody by agar gel diffusion. Hepatitis Scientific Memoranda 2: 32-33, 1982
- Bijlani, R.L., Gandhi, B.M. and Tandon, B.N.: Effect of buckwheat on lipid profile and glucose levels. Proceedings of the symposium on fiber in human nutrition and animal nutrition, Massey University, Palesston North, New Zealand pp 122, 1982
- Tandon, B.N. Gandhi, B.M., Joshi, Y.K. and Bijlani, L.: Characteristic and prophylactic values for hepatitis of immune serum globulin (ISG) commonly used in India. WHO LABS symposium on viral hepatitis. Standardization in immunoprophylaxix of hepatitis viruses’ infections. Athens, Greece, Proceedings 1982
- Gandhi, B.M.: Alcohol induced changes in lipids and lipoproteins. WHO AIIMS workshop on lipids and lipoproteins in health and disease, New Delhi, India. Proceedings and recommendations, pp 20-21, 1982
- Gandhi, B.M.: Lipoprotein composition of normal healthy subjects in northern India. Indian Journal of Medical Research 75: 393-401, 1982
- Tandon, B.N., Joshi, Y.K., Jain, S.K., Gandhi, B.M., Mathiesen, L.R. and Tandon, H.D.: An epidemic of non-A non-B hepatitis in northern India. Indian Journal of Medical Research 75: 739-744, 1982
- Gandhi, B.M., Joshi, Y.K., Bijlani, L. and Tandon, B.N.: Non-A non-B antigen antibody detection by agar gel diffusions. Indian Journal of Medical Research 76: 591-593, 1982
- Bijlani, R.L., Gandhi, B.M. and Tandon, B.N.: Effect of whole buckwheat flour on serum lipid profile and glucose tolerance. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 26 (5): 82-83, 1982
- Bijlani, R.L., Gandhi, B.M. and Tandon, B.N.: Effect of examination stress on serum lipid profile. Tropical Gastroenterology 4 (3): 168-170, 1983
- Tandon, B.N., Nayak, N.C., Tandon, H.D., Bijlani, L., Joshi, Y.K., Gandhi, B.M., Madangopalan, N., Panchandam, M., Bose, S.L. and Mishra, G.: Acute viral hepatitis with bridging necrosis. Collaborative study on chronic hepatitis. Liver 3: 140-146, 1983
- Gupta, H., Gandhi, B.M. and Tandon, B.N.: Cellular immune reactivity in fulminant hepatic failure and sub-acute hepatic failure. Hepatitis Scientific Memoranda 10: 179, 1983
- Gandhi, B.M., Acharya, S.K. and Tandon, B.N: Neutrophil function test in patients with amoebic liver abscess. Hepatitis Scientific Memoranda 10: 176, 1983
- Joshi, Y.K., Gandhi, B.M. and Tandon, B.N.: Spectrum of hepatitis virus A infection in India. Hepatology 3 (6): 1060, 1983
- Joshi Y.K., Tandon, M., Tandon, B.N. and Gandhi, B.M.: Follow up of epidemic non-A non-B hepatitis. Hepatitis Scientific Memoranda 10: 177, 1983
- Tandon, B.N., Raina, N. and Gandhi, B.M.: Host factors in the pathogenesis of amoebic liver abscess. Hepatology 3 (6) 1059, 1983
- Gandhi, B.M. and Raina, N.: Alcohol induced changes in lipids and lipoproteins. Alcoholism 8 (1) 29-32, 1984
- Tandon, B.N., Joshi, Y.K., Gandhi, B.M., Babu, S. and Tandon, M.: Study of chronic sequelae of waterborne non-A non-B epidemic hepatitis. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Viral Hepatitis. Los Angles, 1984
- Tandon, B.N., Gandhi, B.M. and Joshi, Y.K.: Etiological spectrum of viral hepatitis and virus A and B infection in north India. Bulletin World Health Organisation (1): 67-73, 1984
- Tandon, B.N., Gandhi, B.M., Joshi, Y.K., Gupta, H. and Irlshad, M.: Sub clinical virus A hepatitis in north Indian pediatric population. Lancet 8372 (I): 335-336, 1984
- Joshi, Y.K., Gandhi, B.M. and Tandon, B.N.: Non-A non-B hepatitis, a health problem in India. Japanese Journal of Gastroenterology 81:1984
- Gandhi, B.M., Gupta, H., Irshad, M., Chawla, T.C. and Tandon, B.N.: Cell mediated immunity in amoebic liver abscess. Japanese Journal of Gastroenterology 81: 1984
- Paul, S., Kumar, K., Gandhi, B.M., Kapoor, B.M.L. and Tandon, R.K.: Dietary and serum lipid patterns in gallstone patients. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 3 (suppl): 31-32, 1984
- Kar, P., Tandon, B.N. and Gandhi, B.M.: Serum alpha-2-macroglobulin levels. An additional biochemical marker for differential diagnosis of cholestatic jaundice. Journal of Associations of Physicians of India 32: 269-270, 1984
- Gandhi, B.M. and Tandon, B.N.: A low cost micro ELISA test for detection of hepatitis B surface antigen. Tropical Gastroenterology 5 (3): 142-148, 1984
- Sharma, M.P., Gandhi, B.M., Acharya, S.K, Chawla, Y.K., Nautiyal, B.L. and Tandon, B.N.: Serological studies of Entamoeba histolytica infection in north Indian population. Indian Journal of Medical Research 80: 632-637, 1984
- Gandhi, B.M. and Tandon, B.N.: Procedure for micro-ELISA for detection of hepatitis B surface antigen. In: Viral Hepatitis Surveillance R.N. Basu, (Ed.) National Institute of Communicable diseases, New Delhi pp 69-71, 1985
- Joshi, Y.K., Babu, S., Sarin, S., Tandon, B.N., Gandhi, B.M. and Chaturvedi, V.C.: Immunoprophylaxis of non-A non-B hepatitis, Indian Journal of Medical Research 81: 18-19, 1985
- Bijlani, R.L., Gandhi, B.M., Gupta, M.C., Minocha, S. and Tandon, B.N.: Effect of whole buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculatum) flour supplementation on lipid profile and glucose tolerance. Indian Journal of Medical Research 81: 162-168, 1985
- Joshi, Y.K., Tandon, B.N. and Gandhi, B.M.: Hepatitis A epidemic in Kerala State (India) in 1980. Indian Journal of Medical Research 81: 96-101, 1985
- Irshad, M., Gandhi, B.M., Choudhuri, G. and Tandon, B.N.: Detection of Entamoeba histolytica in the pus of amoebic liver abscess by immnofluorescent technique. Indian Journal of Medical Research 81: 575-579, 1985
- Kumar, K., Sarin, R., Kapoor, B.M.L. and Gandhi, B.M.: Diet, plasma lipoprotiens and body fatness as associated factors in breast cancer. Indian Journal of Medical Research 81: 493-498, 1985
- Minocha, S., Gupta, M.C. and Gandhi, B.M.: Difference in dietary intake of obese females belonging to different income groups. Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics 22: 52-56, 1985
- Sarin, R., Tandon, R.K. Paul, S., Gandhi, B.M., Kapoor, B.M.L. and Kumar, K.: Diet, body fat and plasma lipids in breast cancer. Indian Journal of Medical Research 81: 493-498, 1985
- Gandhi, B.M., Irshad, M. and Tandon, B.N.: A low cost micro ELISA test for detection of antibodies to HBsAg. Tropical Gastroenterology 6: 148-154, 1985
- Bijlani, R.L., Sud, S., Sahi, A., Gandhi, B.M. and Tandon, B.N.: Effect of sieved buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculatum) flour supplimentation on lipid profile and glucose tolerance. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 29 (2): 69-74, 1985
- Irshad, M., Gandhi, B.M., Choudhuri, G. and Tandon, B.N.: Detection of Entamoeba histolytica in the pus of amoebic liver abscess by immunofluorescent technique. Indian Journal of Medical Research 81: 575-579, 1985
- Joshi, Y.K., Tandon, B.N. and Gandhi, B.M.: Hepatitis A epidemic in Kerala State (India) in 1980. Indian Journal of Medical Research 81: 96-101, 1985
- Tandon, B.N., Gandhi, B.M., Joshi, Y.K., Irshad, M. and Gupta, H.: Hepatitis virus non-A non-B: The cause of a major public health problem in India. Bulletin World Health Organisation 63: 931-934, 1985
- Bijlani, R.L., Sud, S., Sahi, A., Gandhi, B.M. and Tandon, B.N.: A course serial with fine effects. Proceedings of the International Congress of Nutrition, U.K. pp 64, 1985
- Tandon, B.N., Gandhi, B.M., Joshi, Y.K., Irshad, M. and Gupta, H.: NANB waterborne hepatitis in India. Gastroenterology 88: 1698, 1985
- Gandhi, B.M., Irshad, M., Joshi, Y.K. and Tandon, B.N.: HBV specific DNA polymerase activity in chronic liver diseases. Proceedings of the 5th Biennial Scientific Meeting of APASL. Singapore pp 274, 1985
- Irshad, M., Gandhi, B.M., Chawla, T.C. and Tandon, B.N.: A simple ELISA technique to study the binding of HbsAg with polymerised human serum albumin. Proceedings of the 5th Biennial Scientific Meeting of APASL. Singapore pp 257, 1986
- Tandon, B.N., Joshi, Y.K., Gandhi, B.M., Irshad, M., Gupta, H. and Gupta, M.L.: Epidemiology of HBsAg carriers in India. A holistic approach to control of hepatitis B reservoir. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 1: 39-43, 1986
- Irshad, M., Gandhi, B.M. and Tandon, B.N.: Further characterisation of HBsAg binding with polymerised human serum albumin by ELISA technique. Hepatitis Scientific Memoranda 2263: 24, 1986
- Gandhi, B.M., Bhargava, D.K., Irshad, M., Chawla, T.C., Dube, A. and Tandon, B.N.: Enzyme linked protein-A. An ELISA for detection of IgG antibodies against Mycobacterium tuberculosis in intestinal tuberculosis. Tubercle 67: 219-224, 1986
- Gandhi, B.M., Gupta, H., Irshad, M., Chawla, T.C. and Tandon, B.N.: Cell mediated immunity in amoebic liver abscess. Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 89: 163-168, 1986
- Gandhi, B.M.: A dot immunobinding assay (DIA) on nitrocellulose membrane for the serological detection of antibodies to Entamoeba histolytica. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 80: 883-885, 1986
- Bijlani, R.L., Sud, S., Gandhi, B.M. and Tandon, B.N.: Journal of the American Medical Association 256:2835-2838, 1986
- Bijlani, R.L., Sud, S., Gandhi, B.M. and Tandon, B.N.: Relationship of examination stress to serum lipid profile. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology30: 22-30, 1986
- Gandhi, B.M., Irshad, M., Minocha, S. and Tandon, B.N.: Lipids and lipoproteins in amoebic liver abscess. Indian Journal of Medical Research 83: 594-599, 1986
- Gandhi, B.M., Gupta, H., Irshad, M., Joshi, Y.K. and Tandon, B.N.: Significance of circulating HBsAg/IgM complexes in viral hepatitis type B. Indian Journal of Medical Research 84: 27-31, 1986
- Patwari, S.I., Irshad, M., Gandhi, B.M., Joshi, Y.K., Nundi, S. and Tandon, B.N.: Increasing HBV reservoir by post transfusion HBV infection in India. Indian Journal of Medical Research. 84: 227-229, 1986
- Patwari, S.I., Irshad, M., Gandhi, B.M., Joshi, Y.K., Nundi, S. and Tandon, B.N.: Post transfusion hepatitis. A prospective study. Indian Journal of Medical Research 84: 508-510, 1986
- Irshad, M., Gandhi, B.M. and Tandon, B.N.: An improved ELISA technique to detect amoebic antibody in blood. Annals of National Academy of Medical Sciences 22: 18-25, 1986
- Gandhi, B.M., Irshad, M., Acharya, S.K., Chowdhuri, G. and Tandon, B.N.: Nitroblue telrazolium test in diagnosis of amoebic liver abscess. Journal of Association of Physicians of India 34: 711-713, 1986
- Kar, P., Gandhi, B.M., Irshad, M., Gupta, H. and Tandon, B.N.: An additional marker for diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma. Journal of Association of Physicians of India 35: 288-289, 1987
- Gandhi, B.M., Minocha, S. and Tandon, B.N.: Lipids and lipoproteins in obese females. Indian Journal of Medical Research 85: 659-664, 1987
- Chawla, T.C., Irshad, M., Gandhi, B.M. and Tandon, B.N.: Immunological characterisation of axenic E. histolytica related antigens. Indian Journal of Medical Research 86: 457-461, 1987
- Gandhi, B.M., Irshad, M., Acharya, S.K., Gupta, B.B. and Tandon, B.N.: Serological studies of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in north Indian population. Journal of Association of Physicians of India 35: 766-776, 1987
- Acharya, S.K., Irshad, M., Gandhi, B.M. and Joshi, Y.K.: Pre-S proteins: New marker of hepatitis B virus. Tropical Gastroenterology (2): 91-98, 1987
- Irshad, M., Gandhi, B.M., Acharya, S.K., Joshi, Y.K. and Tandon, B.N.: An enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for detection of IgG and IgM anti-idiotype directed against anti-HBs molecules. Japanese Journal of Gastroenterology 96: 211-217, 1987
- Irshad, M., Gandhi, B.M., Acharya, S.K. and Tandon, B.N.: Relation between HBsAg binding with polymerized human serum albumin and HBV replication. Intervirology 27: 91-94, 1987
- Gandhi, B.M., Irshad, M., Chawla, T.C. and Tandon, B.N.: Enzyme linked protein-A: An ELISA for detection of amoebic antibody. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 81: 183-185, 1987
- Gandhi, B.M., Acharya, S.K., Irshad, M., Gupta, H., Chawla, T.C. and Tandon, B.N.: Elevated NBT reduction activity in polymorphs during amoebic liver abscess. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 81: 283-285, 1987
- Raina, N., Gandhi, B.M., Sharma, M.P., Mittal, S., Acharya, S.K. and Tandon, B.N.: Nutritional factors in the etiopathogenesis of amoebic liver abscess in man. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2: 353-358, 1987
- Irshad M, Gandhi BM, Acharya SK, Joshi YK,Tandon BN. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the detectionof IgG and IgM anti-idiotypes directed against anti-HBs molecules. J. Immunol. Meth. (1987) 96 : 211 - 217.
- Irshad, M., Gandhi, B.M., Chawla, T.C., Acharya, S.K., Joshi, Y.K. and Tandon, B.N.: Studies on HBsAg binding with polymerised human serum albumin (pHSA) by ELISA technique. Journal of Virological Methods 16: 75-85, 1987
- Tandon, B.N., Gandhi, B.M., Irshad, M., Acharya, S.K. and Joshi, Y.K.: Prevalence of amoebic antibody in the population affected by epidemic NANB hepatitis. Lancet 8530 (1): 455-456, 1987
- Gandhi, B.M., Irshad, M., Acharya, S.K., Joshi, Y.K. and Tandon, B.N.: Virus B multiplication in fulminant hepatitis. Hepatitis Scientific Memoranda 2312: 6-7, 1987
- Tandon, B.N., Gandhi, B.M., Irshad, M., Acharya, S.K., Joshi, Y.K. and Anand, A.C.: Delta agent (Virus D) infection is present in India. Hepatitis Scientific Memoranda 2336: 62-64, 1987
- Gandhi, B.M., Irshad, M., Acharya, S.K. and Tandon, B.N.: The immunofluorescent detection of Entamoeba histolytica in pus using avidin-biotin system. Journal of Microbiological Methods 7: 169-177, 1987
- Acharya, S.K., Irshad, M., Joshi, Y.K., Gandhi, B.M. and Tandon, B.N.: Serological pattern of hepatitis viral markers in the patients of sub acute hepatic failure. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 3: 517, 1988
- Irshad, M., Gandhi, B.M., Acharya, S.K., Joshi, Y.K. and Tandon, B.N.: Prevalence of anti-pre-S antibodies in patients with different HBV infections. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 3: 529, 1988
- Gandhi, B.M., Irshad, M., Acharya, S.K. and Tandon, B.N.: Immunofluorescent detection of Endameba histolytic in pus using avidin-biotin system. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 3: 523, 1988
- Gandhi, B.M., Irshad, M., Acharya, S.K. and Tandon, B.N.: Amoebic liver abscess and circulating immune complexes of Entamoeba histolytica proteins. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 39(5): 440-444, 1988
- Gandhi, B.M., Irshad, M., Acharya, S.K., Joshi, Y.K. and Tandon, B.N.: Evidence of ongoing viral multiplication in type B fulminant hepatitis. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 3: 139-142, 1988
- Rai, R.R., Acharya, S.K., Kambam, V., Gandhi, B.M. and Tandon, B.N.: Evaluation of ascitic fluid polymorphonuclear count and ascitic fluid pH in early diagnosis of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. Indian Journal of Medical Research 87: 600-604, 1988
- Irshad, M., Gandhi, B.M., Acharya, S.K., Joshi, Y.K. and Tandon, B.N.: Anti-pre-S antibodies in different groups of patients with hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 4: 25-32, 1989
- Anand, S., Gandhi, B.M., Acharya, S.K., Joshi, Y.K., Irshad, M. and Tandon, B.N.: Hepatitis delta virus (HDV) infection in India. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 3: 425-429, 1988
- Acharya, S.K. Buch, P., Irshad, M., Gandhi, B.M., Joshi, Y.K. and Tandon, B.N.: Outbreak of Dengue fever in Delhi. Lancet II (25th Dec.): 1485-1486, 1988
- Gandhi, B.M., Bhargava, D.K., Irshad, M., Chawla, T.C., Dube, A. and Tandon, B.N.: Enzyme linked protein-A: An ELISA for detection of IgG antibodies against Mycobacterium tuberculosis in intestinal tuberculosis. International Synopsis
- Anand, A.C., Irshad, M., Acharya, S.K., Gandhi, B.M., Joshi, Y.K. and Tandon, B.N.: Fibronectin in acute and sub-acute hepatic failure. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology 11(3): 314-319, 1989
- Bijlani, L., Gandhi, B.M., Sharma, S.K. and Nayak, N.C.: Lipid peroxidase in cirrhotic and malignant liver disease.
- Irshad, M., Gandhi, B.M., Acharya, S.K., Joshi, Y.K. and Tandon, B.N.: Anti-pre-S antibodies in patients with fulfinant hepatitis B. Hepatitis Scientific Memoranda 2417: 29-32, 1989
- Kumar, A., Acharya, S.K., Joshi, Y.K., Gandhi, B.M., Irshad, M. and Tandon, B.N.: Role of immune serum globulin in post transfusion virus B infection. Indian Journal of Medical Research 89: 12-15, 1989
- Gandhi, B.M., Irshad, M., Acharya, S.K. and Tandon, B.N.: A simple spot test for circulating Entamoeba histolytica antigen-antibody complexes in patients with amoebic liver abscess. Indian Journal of Medical Research 89: 177-183, 1989
- Minocha, S., Gandhi, B.M., Dwivedi, M. and Bhargava, D.K.: Lipid changes in alcoholic and non-alcoholic cirrhotics. Indian Journal of Medical Research 90: 55-61, 1989
- Moudgil, K.D., Irshad, M., Gandhi, B.M. and Mishra, R.: Serological pattern of hepatitis B virus markers (HBsAg, anti-HBs, IgM anti-HBc and HBV specific DNA-polymerase) in leprosy patients. Indian Journal of Leprosy 61: 54-60, 1989
- Kar, P., Chawla, Y.K., Tandon, B.N. and Gandhi, B.M.: Diagnostic significance of alpha-2-macroglobulin in liver diseases.
- Gupta, H., Gandhi, B.M., Joshi, Y.K. and Tandon, B.N.: Humoral immunity in NANB hepatitis in comparison with hepatitis A and hepatitis B.
- Minocha, S., Gandhi, B.M., Balaraju, K.B. and Tandon, B.N.: Dietary intake of alcoholics before and after admission to deaddiction programme. Journal of Association of Physicians of India
- Gandhi, B.M., Irshad, M., Acharya, S.K., Samantray, J.C. and Tandon, B.N.: Use of affinity purified heterologus antibodies in an ELISA for the detection of Entaboeba histolytica in fecal specimens. National Medical Journal of India 2: 223-227, 1989
- Gandhi, B.M., Irshad, M. and Tandon, B.N.: A low budget Disc-ELISA for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg). Tropical Gastroenterology 10: 111-116, 1989
- Singh, H., Gandhi, B.M. and Irshad, M.: Effect of homeopathic drugs in controlling multiplication of hepatitis-B virus. Central Council for Research in Homeopathy. Quarterly Bulletin 11 (2): 8-9, 1989
- Gandhi, B.M., Irshad, M., Acharya, S.K., Joshi, Y.K. and Tandon, B.N.: Hepatitis B virus replication in patients with chronic liver diseases. Gastroenterologia Japonica 25: 258-264, 1990
- Irshad, M., Gandhi, B.M., Acharya, S.K., Joshi, Y.K. and Tandon, B.N.: Significance of Anti-pre-S antibodies in patients with fulminant hepatic failure. Gastroenterologia Japonica 25: 499-502, 1990
- Gandhi, B.M., Buch, P, Sharma, M.P., Irshad, M. and Samantray, S.C.: ELISA for anti-Giardia 1gM. Lancet II: 685, 1990
- Gandhi, B.M., Irshad, M., Acharya, S.K. and Tandon, B.N. A simple spot test for circulating Entamoeba histolytica antigen-antibody complexes in patients with amoebic liver abscess. Indian Journal of Medical Sciences 44: 79-80, 1990
- Ramchandran, S. and Gandhi, B.M.: Future Research Trends in Industrial Uses of Recombinant DNA Technology in India. Proceedings of International Symposium on Innovations in Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology, Shri B.V. Patel Perd Centre, Ahmedabad. Pp 56-64, 1990
- Acharya, S.K., Irshad, M., Gandhi, B.M., Joshi, Y.K. and Tandon, B.N.: Subacute hepatic failure: etiology, serological profile and pathogenesis. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology. 1991
- Ramchandran, S. and Gandhi, B.M.: Task of promoting biotechnology for peaceful purposes in third world countries. Geissler, E. and Haynes, R.H. (ed) Akademie Verlag, pp 143-171, 1991
- Gandhi, B.M., Buch, P., Sharma, M.P., Irshad, M., and Samantaray, J.C.: An ELISA for detection of Giardia lamblia in stool specimens from endemic area. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg (communicated).
- Irshad, M, Joshi, Y.K., Singh, Y.N., Gandhi, B.M., Gupta, H., Acharya, S.K. and Tandon, B.N.: Hepatitis B Virus infection in healthy persons in India: Prevalence and prevention. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. (1991)
- Anand, A.C., Irshad, M., Acharya, S.K., Gandhi, B.M., Joshi, Y.K. and Tandon, B.N.: The Significance of Fibronectin in Fulminant Hepatic Failure and Implications of its Replenishment. Med. J. Armed Forces, India 47: 89-95, 1991
- Singh, Y.N., Irshad, M., Gandhi, B.M., Khare, S.D., Malaviya, A.N. and Tandon, B.N. Delhi prostitutes pose no additional threat of HBV-transmission. The Journal of Association of Physicians of India 39: 228, 1991
- Gandhi, B.M.: Biotechnology in Health Proceedings of the Worksheet on Health Research Priorities in India in the year 2000 at Tamil Nadu Dr.M.G.R. Medical University, 1992.
- Gandhi, B.M. and Ramchandran, S: Environmentally Sound Biotechnology. Indian Farming 42(3): 15-26, 1992
- Ramchandran, S. and Gandhi, B.M.: Immunotechnology in India. Biology Education (communicated)
- Ramchandran, S. and Gandhi, B.M Biotechnology: Research and Education in India: An overview. Current Science (communicated).
- Ramchandran, S. and Gandhi, B.M.: Biotechnology for Nutritional Security pp 1994
- Saraya, A: Irshad, M; Gandhi, B.M; and Tandon, R.K.: Plasma lipid profile in gallstone patients from north India: Tropical Gastroenterology 16(4): 16-21, 1995
- Gandhi, B.M.: Biotechnology: New products in horizon. AIBA Newsletter 2(4): 21-24, 1999
- Gandhi, B.M.; Investment and Collaboration Opportunities in Biotechnology with India. pp 52-56, In Document India and the Europeon Union, Third EU-India Summit Copenhagen, Oct 2002. Publishers L.B. Associates (Pvt.) Ltd, in Collaboration with Embassy of India-Denmark
- Gandhi B.M.: Funding Agencies for Reproductive Health Research in Research Methods in Reproductive Health by Mittal S. and Kumar S. Published by WHO-Collaborative Centre for Research in Human Reproduction, AIIMS, New Delhi pp 164-168, 2002
- Gandhi B.M.: Investment and Collaboration Opportunities in Biotechnology with India. In: The Business of Biotechnology- Knowledge Millennium III. Published by The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India, New Delhi. Pp 65-70, 2003
- Gandhi B.M. Investment and Collaboration Opportunities in Biotechnology with India, The Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary DIPLOMATIST. First A publication ofL.B. Associates (Pvt.) Ltd, Publisher,Linda Brady-Hawke: Third Quarter Edition, 2003
- Gandhi B.M. and Gupta S.V.: Biotechnology Across the Boundaries In: Deep Roots, Open Skies; New Biology in India Basu S.K., Batra J.K. and Salunke D.M.(ed) Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, India pp 93-98, 2004
- Gandhi B.M. and Gupta S.V.: Promotion of Indo-French Collaboration in Biotechnology In: Indo-French Relations-Focus on emerging Sectors. Published for Indo-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry by L.B. Associates (Pvt.) Ltd. pp27-30, 2004
- Gandhi B.M. Biotechnology: the New Emerging Paradigm with Particular Reference to Indo-German Relations. In: India and Germany: Shaping the future. Publishers Federation of India Chambers of Commerce and Industry, pp 275-231, 2005
- Gandhi B.M.: Stem Cell: India’s strength and initiatives. Transplantology 10(1): 6-13, 2008
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